Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 9 and 10, Friday and Saturday March 10 and 11 Thessaline, near Kenifra

On Friday I took the bus from Meknes to Kenifra, Rachid was waiting for me and we took a Grand taxi to his town (A taxi that serves as a mini bus, it takes 7 people including the driver, it is always a Mercedes, huh I almost always payed for 2 seats to be able to breathe, 4 people in the back, is too small the space for 4)
His town is in the mountains and people speak Berbere, his mother has a tattoo on her chin that tells which  tribe she is from. Many people speak only berbere and not Arabic. Rachid speaks both and French and English, but Berberes do not like French, they were the colonizers and Berberes did not like them, in fact they were the ones to initiate the independence from France.

It was Friday and we had couscous.  Fridays is couscous day in Morocco. We went to a coffee shop to wait for 2 other people who where arriving, On Saturday we went to the local market, is like a tianguis, the local people go there to buy their food and other things. is not a touristic market.

So peaceful

This is Rachid and the other two people arriving from Germany, we are on his street
Moroccan towns are painted either white, white and blue or this reddish color.

This woman was washing vigorously her door

These trucks are everywhere and they carry lambs to market
sometimes they give rides to people who sit on the top

After the rain in our way to the market
I made breakfast for everybody, Mexican hot chocolate, Abuelita that I brought
from home and Mexican eggs  with onions peppers and tomatoes, Berberes did not like the hot chocolate,
I was told they are not used to that, they drink tea, but the Germans
loved it.

Gas stations are either Afriquia or Lybia (sp)
see how these trucks give rides to people?

Comfy, eh?

You see many lambs everywhere even in Rabat, the capital and in Fes on the streets

Here is Afriquia
Trucks have these decorations on the side

Even modern doors have some kind of design

It was just growing on the street

To Market, to market, let's see what we find

Onions, green beans, apples, zuchini, oranges, parsnips, carrots, pears, beets


I bought a scarf for two dlls, it is actually to cover the head but I used it as a scarf
and a CD of local music

Vegetables are local and fresh

Ah! dates and nuts are always present everywhere and almonds and olives

Of course,  chickens for Tagine

This town is in a very beautiful place

Tables are always low, he is selling them

"Hello how are you?"
this boy came to me to say hello in English
and gave me a little gift, a bracelet.
I found out he is learning English with the American peace Corp volunteer 
whom I  met the day before, in fact he invited us to his home
and we had tea. I brought fruit and made a fruit salad.
A really nice fellow from Wisconsin
Hello, I am sorry I do not remember your name,
thank you for the beautiful gesture, it moved me deeply

 I went to the internet caffee and this was the view through the window
Do you recognize it Rachid?

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