Monday, February 28, 2011



Morocco is  a beautiful country, with a strong cultural,  and historical heritage and breathtaking sceneries and ancient old architectural gems.

Marrakech,  Fes, Rabat  and Meknes are the most interesting of all Moroccan cities I have seen, in terms of historical sights and culture.

As a former French colony, Morocco is a francophone country, with French being widely spoken in the big cities. 

During this trip I communicated in French with almost everybody. English is spoken, but by far not as widely as French. 
The  languages spoken are Berber and Arabic, mainly at home and on the street, not everybody speaks French. Half of the population can not read or write.

Money used is Dirhams $7.7 to $7.9 (depending where you change it) equivalent one  dollar, 11 dh equivalent an Euro.

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