Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 16, Thursday March 17, Inzagane and Taraundot

I got up on Thursday and decided to go south to Inzagane, Agadir and Tourandot and then go to Essaouira before going back to Marrakesh.
I took a bus from Marrakesh to Inzagane, which is south of Agadir, I shopped in the market for dresses made of a big piece of fabric only because when I arrived I saw all these woman using those beautiful dresses. Inzagane is very Moroccan, Agadir is very touristic. Tourandot is like Marreksh but smaller and the people are very nice.
I took a grand taxi to Tourandot from  Inzagane.

 This is the bus I took

 The bus has two doors

 From the road

 Road sign

                                                             market in Inzagane


 This is the  item that everybody has

 Which one do you want?

 is this the price in blue? Looks like  they are used ones?

He let me take a picture
after I gave him 10 DH for his music 

happy moment 

I sat here and talked to two really nice guys, very spiritual and kind. 

Oh I stay away from these! 
I took this picture for you Hija :) 

 I am so grateful for Hamsa and Athmane, I had a great time meeting them and 
talking to them in Toroundat. here we are at the bus stop, they walked with me to
wait for the bus. They even invited me to stay in their homes but I had not much time left so I went back to Inzegane, stay in a hotel and next day continued to
Agadir during the morning and to Essaouira in the afternoon.
I wish I had stayed at least two days in this very nice town with these nice people, oh well!, next time, for sure I will go here. 

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