Monday, February 28, 2011



Morocco is  a beautiful country, with a strong cultural,  and historical heritage and breathtaking sceneries and ancient old architectural gems.

Marrakech,  Fes, Rabat  and Meknes are the most interesting of all Moroccan cities I have seen, in terms of historical sights and culture.

As a former French colony, Morocco is a francophone country, with French being widely spoken in the big cities. 

During this trip I communicated in French with almost everybody. English is spoken, but by far not as widely as French. 
The  languages spoken are Berber and Arabic, mainly at home and on the street, not everybody speaks French. Half of the population can not read or write.

Money used is Dirhams $7.7 to $7.9 (depending where you change it) equivalent one  dollar, 11 dh equivalent an Euro.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


My planned Itinerary - 21 Days, not definitive

Pre-departure plan
I leave home with an approximate idea of which places I will visit, but without a precise plan. This is the approximate schedule I define before leaving:

Days 1 & 2& — U.S./Casablanca, Morocco March Wed 2/Thursday 3
Depart on an overnight flight to Casablanca. Arrive in the afternoon. 
The following morning, visit the extraordinary Hassan II Mosque, whose 689-foot minaret is the world's tallest.  take a guided tour.  Go to the medina and to the city center.
  At 7 PM , gather with couchsurfers Mohamed and Naima.
Naima in  Casablanca, 2 days.

Day 3, not scheduled yet

Day 4 not scheduled yet

Day 5 not scheduled yet

Day 6 —
 Fez         Monday March 7
 Discover the 14th-century Bou Inania madrassa, characterized by its intricately carved stucco walls, arches, and cornices. See the Nejjarine Fountain, covered in exquisite mosaics, and the Kairaouine Mosque. Delve into the lively medina, where merchants preside over colorful mounds of spices and tanners soak skins in vats of dye. 
Day 7 -8— Tuesday March 8, Wednesday March 9
Fez/Volubilis and Meknes  
Explore Fez  and take an excursion to the Roman ruins of Volubilis, a World Heritage site; and Meknes, Morocco’s 17th-century capital. 
Mohamed: Stay 3 days.

12Cheb erbi

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Posted by Picasalast snow storm I will see this year, no more snow

Friday, February 25, 2011


I have made a list of things to do before leaving:

I had already made contact with several people to meet and stay with,
I joined the Morocco couchsurfing group and made some contacts, hopefully I will meet some of them.
Purchase and pack some souvenirs
Take phone numbers of my couchsurfing hosts and other couchsurfing friends in Morocco.
Take my guide "Rough guide to Morocco" and read what to do when arriving at the airport
how to get to the city, etc.have everything planned.
Call my bank and my credit card notify them of my trip otherwise they would not authorize use of my card
Make a rough itinerary for the 21 days.
Reconfirm with hosts of my planned arrival dates to each city.